Scientists' perspective on Cannabis and Covid-19

Many scientists are working to find a plausible solution to prevent infections caused by Covid-19.

As cannabis is known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, a group of Canadian scientists have been studying several species of this plant in order to find a solution to block the virus from lodging in the lungs, respiratory tract and intestines.

According to Dr. Igor Kovalchuk from the University of Lethbridge, CBD has great potential to block the body's AEC2 enzyme receptors, which are linked to Covid-19 infection. More than 400 cannabis species have been studied and analyzed, and about a dozen have shown the greatest potential to stop Covid-19.

For this study, scientists used 3D human tissues and tested the ability of each cannabis species to combat the infection caused by Covid-19 in oral, airborne and respiratory tissues.  intestinal. In addition, the potential of large amounts of CBD to modulate the ACE2 enzyme, which is related to infections caused by this virus, was observed.

The results of this study cannot be taken as conclusive evidence of the ability of cannabis to treat the virus, but rather as a strong possibility. However, there is a need for further research and scientific investigation in order to prove these theories.

However, we must not overlook the proven benefits that CBD and other Cannabis extracts have for treating seizures, combating anxiety, insomnia and stress, which have affected many people during the crisis of this virus.

CBD has several anxiolytic properties and has helped many people combat anxiety disorders. In addition, it can be used as a relaxant, which improves the quality of sleep and reduces stress.

For more detailed information read our article .

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