Responsible consumption
Here at CBDOIS, we are aware of excessive and abusive consumption, although it does not present any dangers of overdosing or overdose , as it is impossible as reported in our article on the differences between CBD and THC .
However, it would be unwise not to provide some advice here.
Never replace your regular diet with CBD
CBD should always be considered as a dietary supplement that complements your diet and not a substitute for it.
Always consult a doctor before taking CBD
Taking CBD should always be supervised by a qualified healthcare professional, who will recommend the correct doses.
Be careful when giving CBD to your pet
The application of CBD in your pet's diet should always be monitored by a qualified veterinary professional, so that the correct doses for your pet can be recommended.
CBD is at your own risk
Despite all the advice and information contained on this website, please note that possession is still illegal in Portugal for certain quantities. We are not responsible for any legal disputes. Use your common sense when purchasing products from CBDOIS.