Hemp Oil VS Hemp Seed Oil

Speaking of quality and variety, the existence of hemp oils on the market is not new, and there is already a wide range of different offerings on the market. Sometimes the choice we think is right can, in an instant, turn out to be a shot in the foot, paying the price or even creating the placebo effect. We can easily get excited to the point that our subconscious thinks we are under some kind of influence, when in fact, these are captivating and influential marketing ploys, using various manipulative techniques such as saying that there is no other like it, that the product is unique and innovative, that it is doubly certified, among other marketing ploys that lead the consumer to believe that they are choosing the right option.

Many products and companies even present certifications and laboratory tests that, even if they are genuine, do not reflect the quality of the product itself. They are simply tests and certifications that production standards are being met and that there is no contamination in the products, nothing more. Therefore, in this article, we will show you the best way to know what you are buying and whether you will be deceived.

Know the difference between hemp oil and hemp seed oil

Knowing the difference between these two types of oil is crucial, as brands often take advantage of their similarities to sell you a product that is not the same as what you are looking for. Their names in English: "hemp oil" and "hemp seed oil" are widely used between the lines, in order to "distract" the consumer, making them think that the main description of the product is the correct one. But make no mistake, when you are buying hemp seed oil, you are buying a product of inferior quality and often even questionable, as regards the freshness and validity of the seeds used to produce this same oil, as they may be seeds that did not germinate and were discarded to be used as oil.

Its effectiveness is lower than that of real hemp oil, even if it is presented in the same concentrations. So be careful when buying cheaper, pay attention to the fine print, as it may end up costing you more for poor or very poor quality.

Hemp oil contains several beneficial substances that only develop as the plant grows, such as cannabinoids, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), previously discussed in this article . Having hemp seed oil can mean losing several beneficial substances.

Correctly interpret CBD concentrations

CBD oils vary in their concentration, and are usually presented on the market in the form of percentages, which corresponds to the concentration that exists in each bottle of oil. And there is no mistake here, as the percentage is proportional to the amount of CBD in the bottle.
Assuming we have a 10ml bottle with 10% CBD, it will mean that there is, in 10ml (approximately 10g), around 1g of CBD, generally indicated on the label/packaging as 1000mg.

The relationship is always proportional to the percentage: if we have 10g of oil and 1g of CBD, then it will be 10% CBD, right? In other words, using two other examples, if you have a 30ml bottle of 10% CBD, it means that 30g will have the equivalent of 3g of CBD, or 3000mg. The same would happen with the 5% bottle of 10ml or 10g, which has the equivalent of 0.5g of CBD or 500mg. It's quite enlightening, isn't it?
And we even leave you with the following examples:
5% 10ml: contains 500mg or 0.5g of CBD, approximately 50mg per 1ml.
5% 30ml: contains 1500mg or 1.5g of CBD, approximately 500mg per 10ml and 50mg per 1ml.
10% 10ml: contains 1000mg or 1g of CBD, approximately 100mg per 1ml.
10% 30ml: contains 3000mg or 3g of CBD, approximately 1000mg per 10ml and 100mg per 1ml.
15% 10ml: contains 1500mg or 1.5g of CBD, approximately 150mg per 1ml.
30% 10ml: contains 3000mg or 3g of CBD, approximately 300mg per 1ml.

So if there are brands selling 10ml or 30ml oils of 10% with 500mg of CBD or 15% with 750mg of CBD, something is wrong. It means they are promising 10ml oils of 10% and 15%, when in reality they correspond to 5% and 7.5% respectively. It is misleading, isn't it?

Oils with flavors, aromas or other additional substances

The more ingredients a hemp oil contains, the more likely it is that its purity will be compromised and its effect will be diminished, even when advertised with significant percentages. This process may also be unnatural, as synthetic components are added that make the oil no longer natural, or it may be diluted so that the advertised concentration of CBD is not as effective as if you were taking a pure, natural oil.

Despite its taste, which may be considered unpleasant by some, it is the best oil you can take. Also, always pay attention to the color of the oil, which should always be greenish tones. Oils that have other colors may be questionable and should not be taken if you do not know the company that supplies them or the content that is placed in them.

However, there may be exceptional situations where there are oils of a high degree of purity combined with natural extracts, which can be used for specific situations, such as administration to animals or children, generally in lower concentrations. Always check the origin, composition and type of products used, whether they are organic, of natural origin (vegan) and are not synthetic or chemically altered.

Also pay attention to the way you choose to administer the oil. Some brands use different dispensers than pipettes, such as automatic dispensers with fixed doses, and they claim to be better than pipettes. However, pipettes are always the best option, as they adapt to the dose of anyone using them, and there is no excess dosage in the case of automatic spray dispensers or other formats. These formats are only intended to use up the bottle more quickly so that the consumer can buy new bottles more frequently and consequently generate more revenue and profits for these companies.

Be aware and always make the best choice

All of the factors mentioned above are decisive in knowing how to correctly choose an oil that is of quality and has all the correct information, so that you are not deceived and tricked into buying low-quality products.
Also be wary of certain oil brands that promote highly lucrative activities, such as complex affiliate networks, incentive reward programs or other activities that have the primary goal of making money/profits. These are usually more focused on marketing and profits than on creating quality oils or providing consumers with good information.

That is why, at CBDOIS, we always want to advise our followers and customers to choose the best products and at the same time learn about the benefits of hemp, choosing consciously and knowing how to use it in the most effective way, so that they feel more satisfied, happier and mainly so that they feel better about their symptoms, bringing the best possible quality of life.

Always choose the best product for you!

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