Can CBD help treat Osteoporosis?
According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation, around 75 million people in Europe, the United States and Japan suffer from the condition. It is estimated that it affects 200 million women worldwide – approximately one-tenth of women aged 60.
In Portugal alone, the total number of people with osteoporosis reaches 800,000. And many bone fractures are caused by this disease. Osteoporosis is more common in women who are in menopause and over the age of 60, especially because at this stage of life there is a risk of rapid bone mass loss, although there are also reports of men suffering from this condition.
What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis means "porous bones". It is a physical condition that causes bone loss, that is, the loss of tissue that results in fragile and brittle bones. This means that people affected by this disease have a bone structure with reduced density. This condition causes fractures and injuries more easily and, in extreme cases, can deform the bone structure to such an extent that it affects the physical shape and can lead to deformities of the spine.
Osteoporosis can be identified by several symptoms and has several causes. Usually, the first sign of osteoporosis is a bone fracture, especially fractures of the pelvis, vertebrae or wrists after a fall. In addition to these fractures, there may be joint pain, curvature of the spine and decreased height.
How can CBD help with Osteoporosis?
The cannabis plant contains two main cannabinoids, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), which influence the endocannabinoid system (SE) of our organism, in different ways.
The endocannabinoid system (ECS) in our body is a complex network of receptors and metabolizing enzymes that act as regulators of the body, receiving and translating signals from cannabinoids. In addition, the ECS is responsible for promoting homeostasis, influencing all physiological processes in our body. When ingested, CBD activates the CB1 and CB2 receptors present in our body, also activating the ECS.
In recent decades, several researchers have discovered the presence of some cannabinoid receptors ( CB1 and CB2) and endocannabinoid metabolizing enzymes in bone tissue, which play an essential role in bone health, and which are regulated by the ECS.
Thus, CBD may play an important role in regulating bone remodeling and mass.
CBD acts on Osteoporosis in two ways:
1. CBD improves bone mass
Osteoclasts, or bone-absorbing cells, have a cellular receptor that, when activated, accelerates bone loss and degeneration. This receptor is known as GPR55. CBD, when ingested, specifically blocks the activation of this receptor, reducing osteoclast activity and thus decreasing bone degeneration.
A study published in 2010 by the Israeli Neuropharmacology Center showed that CBD administration has significant effects on fracture healing and increased bone hardness through the stimulation of lysyl hydroxylase – an enzyme involved in bone healing.
2. CBD fights pain and inflammation
CBD plays an important role in reducing inflammation and healing bone tissue. For many years, CBD has been used by people suffering from chronic pain, as it contains anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, useful for relieving pain and healing inflammation. Over time, CBD oil has become an alternative to traditional medicines indicated for these pathologies.
Based on the evidence presented so far, we can conclude that CBD plays an important role in combating osteoporosis and improving the healing process.
To relieve the symptoms of osteoporosis, the dosage to take varies from person to person, as each person reacts differently to CBD. It is recommended to start taking small doses and then adjust the dosage according to the level of pain felt, and if possible, to undergo treatment under medical supervision.
Strengthen your bone structure by taking CBD oil and prevent Osteoporosis.