CBDOIS opens online!

Who are we?

We are a young group, with experience in business, business models and regulatory aspects. We decided to innovate in Portugal. Why did we do this? Well, to begin with, one of the founders is involved in other medicinal cannabis businesses, with due licensing by Infarmed . In addition to CBD plants, they grow plants with THC. To understand the difference between CBD and THC you can read more about it in our explanatory article .

Seeing a gap and a possible setback in the country, the founders of CBDOIS ventured into a legal adventure together with lawyers they trust, to find a good balance between international, European and Portuguese legislation.

The WHO (World Health Organization) has officially asked the President of the United Nations - Dr. António Guterres - to remove the substance CBD (Cannabidiol) from the list of controlled substances in the international agreement against narcotics, and the reason for this is the lack of attention that many patients around the world are having because of the poor legislation of this non-psychoactive substance.

Following the movement, CBDOIS aims to prepare for its legalization in Portugal, as many other countries within the European Union are doing.

But is it legal or not?

This is a tricky question, because Cannabis is illegal, but Hemp is legal. What's the difference? Well, first of all we need to see what both plants are. Both are Cannabis Sativa L , but for easier identification of the species the names Hemp and Cannabis ( Cannabis or Marijuana ) have been adopted. Industrial hemp is permitted as long as it is authorized by the DGAV (Directorate-General for Food and Veterinary Medicine). However, hemp contains levels of CBD and very low levels of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive substance in Cannabis. Therefore, it is legal and can be used for over 25,000 purposes.

European Union

The European Commission is currently in discussions to bring THC levels down to 0.6%, currently remaining at the low level of 0.3%. However, in Switzerland (outside the European Union), THC levels of 1% are permitted.

Portugal does not distinguish between CBD and THC in the Cannabis plant, as THC is a controlled substance for medicinal purposes, for which Infarmed is responsible for regulating.

However, since CBD is legal in Europe, Portugal should allow the same products without restrictions, but since it is a preparation based on the Cannabis plant that is not sold in the form of fibers or seeds, it is illegal.

It's illegal, but can it be done?

In a way, consumption is permitted. Since the EU has a free movement of goods, nothing stops me from buying CBD oils or even cannabis flowers online to smoke, for example. But the PJ, PSP and GNR don't look very favorably on this.

To combat this problem, our goal and target is to create a legal archive with several lawyers in Portugal, who will help us to have the regulation that allows us to operate in the market in which we operate, being able to offer our clients high quality products, duly tested by regulatory entities and in a convenient way.

What are CBDOIS' plans?

In addition to the legal opinion in which we are investing a lot of money, the online store we are creating and the adventure in this apparently complicated market, we are going to jump a level above and open stores in several district capitals and islands, as well as participate in fairs such as Expofacic, Feira de São Mateus among others to sell our products.

In addition, we plan education and instruction sessions to explain to those interested the benefits of Cannabis, its therapeutic indications, its legality and encourage the government and regulatory entities to look at this fantastic plant with different eyes.

How can I contribute to the project?

There is a lot of work to be done at the moment, from helping us open new ones, financing our operations to the simplest aspect of "word of mouth".

Since the legal costs are quite high, we are preparing a Crowdfunding campaign to help us finance it. It will not only be a campaign to help us, but to prepare a legal basis for a legal market, which Portugal should start very soon. We will publish more information about this, but contributions can be made from €5, which may not give anything in return, but will open the way for a better market in our country.

For more information or questions about our project, please contact us and we will respond as soon as possible.

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