Study finds cannabis protects against COVID-19 virus

In the relentless search for a vaccine or medicines to treat the new coronavirus, several Canadian scientists have researched how the medicinal properties of Cannabis can help in the treatment of this virus.

Recently, several scientists from the University of Lethbridge studied more than 800 varieties of Cannabis sativa, in search of a solution to cure this infection, reaching very positive, although not conclusive, preliminary conclusions.

The aim of this study was to find ways to prevent SARS-COV-2 from becoming lodged in the lungs, intestines and oral cavity.

To occupy a human host cell, SARS-COV-2 requires a receptor, the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which is found in lung tissue, oral and nasal mucosa, kidneys, testicles and digestive tract. Without this enzyme, the pathogen cannot penetrate.

To conduct this study, Canadian researchers focused on Cannabis sativa strains that are high in cannabidiol (CBD), an anti-inflammatory cannabinoid. They cultivated more than 800 Cannabis strains and identified 13 extracts that were able to modulate ACE2 enzyme levels.

Using artificial 3D human tissue models, they simulated and mapped how each Cannabis species might affect COVID-19 infections in oral tissues, respiratory tracts and intestinal tracts.

In particular, the ability of Cannabis species to modulate the levels of ACE2, the main enzyme responsible for COVID-19 infection, was monitored.

The results of this experiment showed that some species were also able to downregulate the serine protease TMPRSS2, another protein critical for COVID-19 to enter host cells and spread throughout the body.

The results of this study cannot be taken as conclusive evidence of Cannabis' ability to treat the virus, since the researchers were not able to identify the ideal ratio of THC to CBD, or even whether the active ingredient is CBD or some other component of this plant.

Thus, according to Dr. Kovalchuck, although there is strong evidence that Cannabis can be used in the treatment of COVID-19, there is still a need for more scientific research in order to prove these theories.


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