CBD in the fight against Sickle Cell Disease!

Many of us may never have heard of this condition, as the most common name by which it is known is "anemia". But are there different types of anemia?

The answer is clear, yes. And sickle cell disease is a type of anemia. But what exactly are we talking about?

Sickle cell anemia is a hereditary disease that causes changes in the shape of red blood cells, which, instead of having the shape of a disc, take on a shape similar to a sickle or half moon.

Due to this change, red blood cells become less able to carry oxygen throughout the body, which causes typical symptoms of anemia such as excessive fatigue and paleness. In addition, the altered shape of red blood cells also increases the risk of blood vessel obstruction, which can lead to other symptoms of sickle cell anemia such as generalized pain, weakness, and apathy.

Sickle cell anemia presents symptoms similar to other types of anemia, such as tiredness, paleness and drowsiness. However, the most characteristic symptoms are:

  • Bone and joint pain
  • Extreme pain crises
  • Frequent infections
  • Delayed growth and puberty
  • Yellow eyes and skin

There are several medications that can be used to treat this type of anemia. Most people who suffer from this condition resort to the use of opioids, which in the long term, prove to be highly addictive and cause a wide range of negative side effects.

How does CBD work in the case of sickle cell anemia?

CBD oil is a good ally for maintaining physical well-being, that is, it is responsible for promoting the body's balance (homeostasis) due to its therapeutic properties.

When we lose the ability to sustain homeostasis, we become ill and can develop a variety of different endocrine disorders. and neurological.

In the case of anemia, there are only a few ways in which CBD oil can offer some benefit, being that people with sickle cell anemia have the most to benefit from CBD oil.

This is because two of the main side effects of the disease are pain and inflammation as misshapen red blood cells lodge in the tiny capillaries of the cardiovascular system. When this happens, blood flow to the area becomes blocked, causing cells to die without oxygen and nutrients. This is a major source of pain for patients suffering from sickle cell anemia, and CBD has the ability to directly inhibit this pain.

Several scientific studies have been conducted to prove the positive effect of CBD in the treatment of sickle cell anemia. And the results have been positive.

A study conducted by the hematology department in the United States has shown that CBD and other cannabinoids are quite effective in treating sickle cell anemia. It was concluded that CBD has the ability to stabilize mast cells , which are one of the main cells that drive inflammation and pain in the body. Cannabinoids have also been shown to reduce neuropathic (nerve-related) inflammation involved in sickle cell disease.

In addition, CBD regulates mood, reduces anxiety, improves sleep quality, reduces fatigue and frequent infections. This contributes to an improvement in the quality of life of patients and prevents secondary problems caused by opioids, which are recommended for the treatment of this pathology.

It is recommended that a complete diagnosis be made, and that treatment should always be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

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