Migraine Relief with CBD

In general, we have all had headaches, and some of them are quite severe. This pain is often confused with a migraine. Contrary to popular belief, migraines are headaches that are stronger than normal and in some cases can even be debilitating.
One in 5 women reports suffering from this problem and 1 in 15 men report having had this problem at least once in their lives.
What are migraines anyway?
Migraines, also known as cephalgias, are a type of debilitating headache characterized by a throbbing pain that affects both sides of the head, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and pain when faced with light or loud sounds. These pains can last between 4 and 72 hours, sometimes becoming debilitating, and depending on their origin, they occur in crises.
Migraine is classified into two distinct groups: migraine with aura and migraine without aura.
"Aura" is the set of physical signs, visual, auditory, speech, motor and other symptoms of the central nervous system that precede the onset of a migraine.
Most common types of migraine:
- Migraine with aura - these are migraine attacks that present a previous emanation of symptoms, such as distorted vision.
- Migraine without aura - these are migraine attacks that appear without any previous symptoms.
Although the exact origin of migraine attacks is not yet known, there are some factors that contribute to triggering them, such as:
- Stress
- Intermittent fasting
- Insomnia
- Excessive physical effort
- Medication abuse, including painkillers
- Hormonal factors
- Consumption of certain foods and drinks (e.g. yellow cheeses, citrus fruits, processed meats, fried and fatty foods, coffee and excess alcohol)
How can CBD help relieve migraines?
The most common treatments for migraines are pain relievers, antiemetics (relieve nausea), or triptans (help stimulate the brain to stop the migraine).
Several studies point to CBD oil as a natural treatment, effective in relieving migraines, due to its medicinal properties.
CBD acts on migraines in 4 different ways:
1. Stabilizes serotonin levels in the brain
Migraine attacks cause an imbalance in the production of serotonin levels. When these levels fall below the normal level, the veins dilate and this causes the attack. CBD is a good ally in increasing serotonin, thus preventing the dilation of the veins and relieving the nausea and vomiting associated with it.
2. Acts as an anti-inflammatory
The medications available on the market, indicated for the treatment of migraines, contain anti-inflammatory substances.
CBD offers a wide range of anti-inflammatory benefits. It acts directly on adenosine levels (8), as well as the main inflammatory compounds linked to NF-kb (9), a substance found in our brain, one of the main triggers of migraines, reducing inflammation and, consequently, the pain felt.
3. Prevents Vascular Spasms
Vascular spasms are caused by the firing of pulses from a specific nerve in the brain known as the trigeminal nerve. Once activated, the neurons in this nerve fire faster and faster, causing a stroke.
CBD helps prevent these spasms because it acts on the brain's neurotransmitter, calming the firing of neurons, thus stopping spasms in the arterial system.
4. Blocks Pain Transmission
One of the main functions of CBD is blocking pain.
Pain is useful to the body because it warns us when something is wrong, but it can work against us when it becomes so severe that we have to crawl into a dark room and moan for hours until it passes. With migraines, these pains become extremely intense.
CBD acts as a controller of pain receptors (TRPV1 and opioid receptors), responsible for pain in the body, helping to eliminate or reduce the levels of pain felt.
The dosage to be taken varies from person to person, according to the symptoms experienced. For the treatment to be effective, it is recommended to use CBD oil or capsules regularly, for long periods, in small daily doses, and adjust the dosage whenever necessary. Whenever possible, undergo treatment with specialized medical supervision.
The use of CBD products has been growing as a healthy and effective alternative in the treatment and prevention of migraines.
If you suffer from this problem, give this natural treatment a chance!