What is hemp?
It may come as a surprise to many people, but hemp is essentially cannabis. Hemp is a variety of the cannabis plant, known in English by the name hemp , being a variety that "excludes" the psychoactive component of the plant, that is, the psychotropic effects of the plant do not exist in hemp.

Its substances, known as cannabinoids, which make up the plant, contribute to the release of neurotransmitters in our brain, and their chemical composition is similar to endocannabinoids, a substance that is produced by our own body. Of the more than 104 substances present, CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) stand out, as they perform different functions and interactions in our body. Both have therapeutic properties, however, with one crucial difference: CBD is the non-psychoactive component and THC is the psychoactive component. This means that, when consuming THC, it will cause euphoria, loss of reaction, loss of track of time, etc. In common language, it will give you a "high".
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