The best discovery ever

On Monday I finally met the new family doctor.
Kidney problems, herniated discs, autoimmune thyroiditis. Controlled lupus. Anxiety.
Look at me sideways.
"Gosh... so many things! And problems with the ovaries, fallopian tubes, is there anything you know?"
I told him about endometriosis.

Ever since I got my period, when I was about 13, there hasn't been a month that goes by that I don't throw myself into bed with pain, fever, migraines, incredible blood loss that makes me constantly anemic.
I've already taken the pill to have less painful and heavy periods, but a few days before I start I'm banging my head against the wall, really nervous.
In other words, the day your period arrives is announced in advance with stomach pains, migraines, vomiting, and a number of other symptoms that anyone who goes through this knows well.
I've lost count of the number of times I've ended up in the hospital with uncontrollable pain at this time.
Both at 15 years old and 20 years later.
Enough, right? No.
My reproductive system doesn't think so.
That as long as you are fertile the pains may continue.
This month I had a surprise. I haven't had any pain.
I didn't feel sick or nauseous. But what's wrong with me???
I was happily saying that CBD had relieved my back pain, that it had made me lose 3 kg in less than 2 weeks without any effort, just by controlling my compulsive eating, when I go looking for it and in fact, since it reduces inflammation and pain, it seems to be this oil that is responsible for a completely unusual month without any trace or symptom of endometriosis.
Maybe it won't cure it. But it silences the endometriosis, which is honestly all I need!

It was one of the best discoveries ever.
Mine came from this store below.
And I already want the 30% one

Testimony by Marta Veloso - Blogger at Essentials by Marta V.

Click here to see the original testimony

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